Sep 152015

Although the word Semien means “north” in Amharic, according to Richard Pankhurst the ancestral form of the word actually meant “south” in Ge’ez, because the mountains lay to the south of Aksum, which was at the time the center of Ethiopian civilization. But as over the following centuries the center of Ethiopian civilization itself moved to the south, these mountains came to be thought of as lying to the north, and the meaning of the word likewise changed.

The Semiens are remarkable as being one of the few spots in Africa where snow regularly falls.First mentioned in the Monumentum Adulitanum of the 4th century AD (which described them as “inaccessible mountains covered with snow” and where soldiers walked up to their knees in snow), the presence of snow was undeniably witnessed by the 17th century Jesuit priest Jerónimo Lobo.Although the later traveler James Bruce claims that he had never witnessed snow in the Semien Mountains, the 19th century explorer Henry Salt not only recorded that he saw snow there (on 9 April 1814), but explained the reason for Bruce’s failure to see snow in these mountains – Bruce had ventured no further than the foothills into the Semiens.

Despite their ruggedness and altitude, the mountains are dotted with villages linked by tracks. Historically they were inhabited by Ethiopian Jews (the Beta Israel), who after repeated attacks by the zealous Christian Emperors in the 15th century withdrew from the province of Dembiya into the more defensible Semien mountain.semen 209

Dec 092014

Trekking simen Mountains,gondar,Axum,Lalibela
Tour Duration: 16 Days/15 Nights
Code: BT/TA/0026
Transport: Flight and Surface

1. Arrive Addis Ababa, city tour.
2. Fly to Gondar and visit the Castles and Churches.
3. Drive to SankAber. O/N camp.
4. Start Trekking from Sankaber-Geech.
5. Geech, mount Imetgogo & Kedadit O/N Geech.
6. From Geech to Chenek.
7. From Chenek-Hambiquo.
8. Climb Ras Dashen (4620 mts) back to Ambico.
9. From Ambico -Arko Azeye.
10. From ArkoAzeye-Lamo (Mekarebya).
11. From Lamo-Hawaza.
12. From Hawaza- Arkay meet the vehicles and drive to Axum.
13. Tour of Axum.
14. Fly to Lalibela . visit round lalibela cherch
15. Lalibela to Asheten Maryam
16.Flay  Lalibela  to Addis Ababa shopping and diner at habesha 2000 traditional restaurant Dispatcher.

Nov 252014

Trekking to Lasta Lalibela for 7 night 8 Days

Transport: Surface and Air

Tour cod TA/BT 13

Day 01:  Arrive Addis Ababa

Arrive in Addis Ababa. Afternoon city tour of Addis Ababa which include the national museum, ethnographic museum and Merkato.
O/N: Ambassador  hotel

Day 02:  Addis Abab-Lalibela (2500m)

In the morning, fly to Lalibela. The rest of the day,  visit the first group of rock-hewn   churches from 1200 AD.
O/N: hotel.

Day 03: Lalibela –Merebarbu (3500m)

In the morning visit the second group of rock-hewn churches.  In the afternoon, trek  to Merebarbu enroute visitng Asheten Mariam monastery church from the 13th century.
O/N: camping at Merebarbu.

Day 04:  Merebarbu-Wedebye  (3700m)

Start the 4 hours trekking from Merebarbu to Wedebye (3600 to 3800).
O/N:  Camping at Wedebye .

Day 05:  Wedebye-Abune Yosef  (3900m)

Continue the trek for ~4 hours to Abune Yosef (4130). En route enjoying the  stunning view covered by afro alpine types of vegetations you will have the chance to spot endemic mammals like Gelada Baboon and Simen Fox.
O/N: Camping at Abune Yosef.

Day 06: Abune Yosef-Degosach-Yimrhane Kirstos

From Abune Yosef, the third highest pick in the Ethiopia, we will trek on the plateaus of Degosach en route visiting different villages. At Yimrhane Kirstos,  you will visit the 12th Century built up cave church which is very famous for its unique style of architecture, construction and interior decorations.
O/N: camping at Yimrha.

Day 07: Yimrha-Arbatu Ensesa-Lalibela

In the morning, walk down hill to visit Arbatu Ensesa, a rock-hewn church from the 4th century AD. At the same point, meet your driver for the drive to Lalibela en-route visiting Bilbala Cherkos.
O/N:     Roha hotel.

Day 08: Lalibela-Addis Ababa-Departure

Fly back to Addis Ababa. In the afternoon, city tour of Addis Ababa and  diner at Habesha 2000  Traditional Restaurant   back home.  End of tour.

Nov 252014

Trekking to bale

For 8Naight 9 Days

Transport: Surface

Tour cod  BA/TB 12

Day 1:  Arrive Addis Ababa

Arrive at the Addis Ababa and be welcomed by Grand Holidays Ethiopia representative and transferred to your hotel.

O/N: hotel-Addis Ababa.

Day 2: Addis-Ethiopian Rift Valley – Dinsho

After breakfast drive through Ethiopian Great Rift Valley en-route enjoying the beautiful Rift Valley Lakes and  the spectacular mountain scenery.

The rest of the day,  walk around the Juniper forest around the park headquarter and explore the area where high concentration of the Bale Mountains Nayal, Minilik Bush Buck and other mammals are found.

O/N: Camping at Dinsho.

Day 3:  Dinsho – Geysay Valley – Dinsho (3250m)

Trekking time: 5-6 hrs
Trek to Geysay Valley, to the northerly extension of the park. Here, while trekking in the indigenous forest, it’s possible to spot the endemic Minilik Bush Buck and Mountain Nyala and other mammals including the endemic Ethiopian Wolf.

O/N: Camping at Dinsho.

Day 4:   Dinsho – Weib  Valleys-Fincha ábera

Trekking time: ~6 hrs
Trek and pass through the lovely Weib Valley and the finally reach at the beautiful waterfall of Finch’abera.

O/N: Camping

Day 5:  Fincha ábera-Merero-Wasmea

Trekking time: 8 hrs
Trek beneath the peaks of Merero; see and taste the strange mineral springs before making the steep ascent out of the head of the valley onto the Sanette Plateau.

O/N:  Camping

Day 6: Wasama Valley – Batu – Garba Guracha Lake

Trekking time: 9 hrs
Climb Batu (4203 m), and then trek on across the arms of the Batu horseshoe, to camp beside lovely Garba Guracha Lake-set beneath towering cliffs in the head of the Tegona Valley.

O/N: Camping at Garba Guracha.

Day 7: Garba Guracha-Konthe – Goba

Trekking time: 3 hrs
Trek across the Plateau enjoying the stunning highland scenery full of small lakes and the reach at the pick of Konthe (4100m) . Meet veichles at Konthe and drive to Goba.

O/N: Wabe Shebele Hotel

Day 8: Goba-Wendogenet

In the morning, drive to Wondogent. The rest of the day have a relaxing trek in the mountain covered by natural forest.

O/N: hotel-Wendogenet.

Day 9: Wendogenet-Addis Ababa

After breakfast drive back to Addis Ababa. The rest of the day, city tour of Addis Ababa.  and  Dinar at Habesh 2000End of tour.

Nov 222014


Sustainable Tourism

Guassa Community Conservation Area is managed by the Guassa Community Council. These Guassa-user and management communities live in nine kebeles (farmers associations) adjacent to the Guassa Area. The GCCA Tourism Association members also belong to the Guassa Community Conservation Council and have been selected to oversee the tourism development and share the benefits of the income generated by tourism with the wider community.

All money generated by tourism activities goes to supporting conservation in the Guassa Area, helping the development of tourism in the area and supporting the Community Development Fund.

Nov 092014
  • Menz guassa trekking for : 5 Days / 4 Nights
    Transport : Surface

  • Tour cod TA/BT/0025

    • ·  Day 01: Addis – Menz Guassa Community Conservation Area. A short trek the nearby mountain top to view the stunning Guassa plateau and have a chance of sighting the endemic Ethiopian wolf. The Ethiopian wolf is the only true wolf species in Africa, and is legally protected. With a total world population of less than 500 individuals surviving in relict mountain tops, it is one of the most endangered mammal species in the world. Overnight at Guassa Community Lodge
    • ·  Day 02: Guass Community Lodsge – Atse Wiha. It is a 6 hour trek through a spectacular landscape of moorland where one can experience the highland flora and an impressive array of bird species and wildlife, including the endemic Gelada baboon and the Ethiopian wolf. Overnight Camping at Atse Wiha
    • ·  Day 03: Atse Wiha – Cheguarit Meda. Today’s trek will take about 5 hours through untouched juniper forest of yegana; a visit to a Menz village called Tebab will give a chance to learn about the Menz People’s ways of constructing two-storey stone huts with thatched roofs and their woven wool rugs and traditional blankets. The people’s finest woven wool rugs and traditional blankets, and are considered to b some of Ethiopian finest weavers. Overnight Camping at Cheguarit
    • ·  Day 04: Cheguarit – Ankober. Have a short trek to the main road to meet the vehicle and drive to Ankober, the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Shoa to have a pleasant rest on the mountain top that overlooks the Great Ethiopian Rift Valley and its extensive escarpments and visit museum Overnight at Ankober Lodge
    • ·  Day 05: Ankober – visit one of interesting oromo village  on way to Addia Ababab   End of tour.

Oct 242014
Day 1: Arrive at the Guassa Community Lodge at Regreg around lunchtime, meet up with guide and check in.After a short rest, take a short trek to the nearby mountaintop; an idylli spot which offers genuinely stunning views over the Guassa plateau and the chance to spot the Ethiopian wolf. Along the trail, your guide will describe the natural surroundings as well as the history and local conservation efforts.

You will end back at Regreg, where you’ll be briefed about the upcoming treks.

Day 2: After an early breakfast, you’ll trek on foot or mule back from Regreg to Atse Wiha Camping ground, for around 5 to 6 hours, walking through an Afroalpine meadow to “Lobelia Valley”, with thousands of these giant plants. The trail then winds its way into the moorland where visitors will experience the enormous highland flora as well as an impressive array of animal life including the endemic gelada and Ethiopian wolf.

Have a picnic lunch in the majestic surroundings, and keep an eye out for a rare and the graceful bird of prey – the lammergeyer, or bearded vulture. This raptor, considered the lord of the high plateau, can often be seen soaring in searching of food. In the late afternoon, the mules are sent back to their base and you’ll set up camp at Atse Wiha.

Day 3: Begin with a short trek to the main road, from where you will be driven to the traditional Menz village at Tebab. The Menz people are famous for their two storey stone huts with thatched roofs, and their woven wool rugs and traditional blankets are considered to be some of Ethiopia’s finest weaving work. You will then be taken back to Addis.

Oct 232014

menz guassa trekking for 1 night/2 days

gcca1The Guassa plateau

Day 1: Arrive at the Guassa Community Lodge at Regreg around lunchtime, meet up with guide and check in.

After a short rest, take a short trek on foot or mule back to the nearby mountaintop; an ideal spot from which to trek, offering genuinely stunning views over the Guassa plateau and the chance to spot the Ethiopian wolf. Along the trail, your guide will describe the natural surroundings as well as the history and local conservation efforts.

You will end back at Regreg, where you’ll be briefed about the upcoming treks.

Day 2: After an early breakfast, trek for two hours to Sefed Meda before driving back to Addis Ababa or onwards to the historic north.

Oct 232014

 trekking to guassa for 3 night/ 4 day trekking tour

Guassa PlateauGuassa Plateau
Gelda BaboonsGelda Baboons

Day 1: Arrive at Guassa Community Lodge at Regreg around lunchtime, meet up with guide and check in.

After a short rest, take a short trek to the nearby mountaintop; this idyllic spot offers genuinely stunning views over the Guassa plateau and the chance to spot the Ethiopian wolf. Along the trail, your guide will describe the natural surroundings as well as the local history and conservation efforts.

You will end back at Regreg, where you’ll be briefed about the upcoming treks.

Day 2: After an early breakfast, trek on foot or mule back for around five to six hours from Regreg to Atse Wiha Camping ground, walking through an Afroalpine meadow to “Lobelia Valley”, which is filled with thousands of these giant plants. The trail then winds its way into the moorland where visitors will experience the enormous highland flora as well as an impressive array of animal life including the endemic gelada and Ethiopian wolf.

Have a picnic lunch in the majestic surroundings, and keep an eye out for a rare and the graceful bird of prey – the lammergeyer, or bearded vulture. This raptor, considered the lord of the high plateau, can often be seen soaring in searching of food. In the late afternoon, the mules are sent back to their base and you’ll set up camp at Atse Wiha.

Day 3: This scenic trail to Cheguarit Meda (four to five hours) offers splendid views of the untouched juniper forest of yegana, now become rare in Ethiopia. These trails offer a variety of interesting attractions including endemic bird species and wildlife and scenic overlooks down to the lowlands.

Before the final ascent towards the camp, discover a cluster of stone houses in the traditional Menz village at Tebab. The Menz people are famous for their two storey stone huts with thatched roofs, and their woven wool rugs and traditional blankets are considered to be some of Ethiopia’s finest weaving work. Before returning to camp, you’ll sip coffee with villagers. The evening will be most memorable as everyone gathers around a campfire to attend a traditional Menz dance ceremony!

Day 4: Enjoy a short trek to the main road, where there will be a vehicle waiting for you to drive back to Addis Ababa.

Feb 242014

Tour Name -Trekking to Simien Mountain

Tour code- TA/BT/005

   12 Days 13 Night Tour

Day 1 Addis Ababa
Arival bole international airport welcoming by the reperentatives of balehgeru tours Ethiopia transfer to Jupiter hotel after check in your hotel a tea break we will have trekking on entoto hills. Overnight Jupiter hotel
Day 2: flight to Gondar and Drive from Gondar to sankaber
Early in the morning flight to Gondar and on arrival direct drive to sankaber via Debark, where the park headquarters are located, to the Simien Mountains. You will have a stopover for a few hours trekking before Sankabar camp where you will see the first views from the top of the escarpment. Overnight camping
DAy 3

Today you trek around 6 hours to Gich Camp through farmed areas and the village of Gich. You may spot the endemic Gelada Monkeys, Klipspringers (a small mountain antelope), Menelik Bushbacks and many interesting plants. You will also see the Jinbar waterfalls which flow over a 500 metre cliff. Gich camp lies on a plateau at an altitude of 3600m.
Day 4:

Using Gich camp as your base, you will walk up to the summit of Imetgogo (3926m), a high rocky outcrop on the edge of the escarpment to the east of the camp, with spectacular views north and east across the foothills and plains. You will walk through fields of the endemic Giant Lobelia plants. You will walk back via Saha to see the other side of Imetgogo. You are likely to see Klipspringers, Walia Ibex (a wild goat, endemic to the Simiens), and many spectacular birds including the Lammergeyer. Total trekking time is around 5 hours giving time fr a relaxing afternoon.
Day 5:

Today’s trek to Chennek offers some of the most spectacular views of the whole trek. After a 3-4 hour morning trek you will have your lunchbreak at the head of the Inateyvalley (4070m) before continuing along of the Belegez valley to Chennek camp.From Chennek you can see over the escarpment edge and across the foothills. This is a good place to spot Walia Ibex and more Gelada monkeys. Total trekking time for the day is 8-9 hours.

Today’s route to Ambiko from Chennek takesyou up onto Bwahit’s northern shoulder, Ethiopia’s second highest mountain at 4430m. Coming down from Bwahit you go through the mountain town of Chiroleba, which feels very busy after the last few days in the mountains. You then cross the Mesheha river before a gentle climb to the Ambiko campsite which is situated next to the village church. Ambiko is at 3200m and total trekking time is 10-11 hours.
Day 7:

Today you climb Ras Dejen. It is an early start before sunrise, initially heading out of the valley before starting the real climb. Before reaching the peak you enter a semi circular basin of rocky peaks, with the highest being Ras Dejen at 4543m. The last part of the climb is a scramble but you are rewarded with fine views from the top. You spend the rest of the day hiking back to Ambiko camp. Total walking time is approx. 11-14 hours.
Day 8:

Today’s trek to Sona initially takes you back to the river, then follows the valley uphill. Later on in the day you will pass through cultivated fields ad mountain hamlets today takes you to Sona. From Sona there are good view back onto the high peaks of the Simiens, total trekking time is approximately 10 hours.
Day 9:

Today’s trek involves an overall descent of 1200m. The initial section is a steep downhill to the river, followed by an undulating path that follows the valley. You will have your lunchbreak by the river in the shade of an enormous fig tree, where you will have the chance to buy some local handicrafts and drink coffee from the locals. You will camp at Mekarbiya next to the local school which you can visit if you wish. The day’s trek takes around 5 hours, and the campsite is at 2065m.
Day 10:

Today you walk to Mulit camp (2100m) and past a beautiful cool lagoon. After lunch there is a steep relatively short climb, which is often hot, but at the top there is a local cafe with refreshments. Total trekking time is 4-5 hours. As tonight is the last night and we are out of the national park, we can have a little party with singing and dancing – both Ethiopian and any contributions that you may have. There will also be the chance to try the local drink of ‘tella’ – fermented barley.
Day 11:

Today is a short morning walk along a forested ridge and then through cultivated land taking you to Adiarkay where you meet the main road and a car will be waiting to collect you. The car can take you either back to Gondar .
Day 12:

flay buck to addis Ababa and shopping traditional diner at habesha 2000 then transfer to your home .